Family, Friends,& Fun

Friend Reunion
Recently a bunch of our friends from high school got together for a little reunion. It was so fun to see everyone. We had dinner, played a few games, and made a few predictions for our next reunion. Gavin and I got voted most likely to have the most kids, with an average of nine children. I can tell you that that prediction will not be coming true.

Willard Bay

Mack loves playing with Grandpa Hall in the water

We loved getting to visit with Marshal, Jessica, Reeve, and Lexi. Mack was excited to play with cousins. I'm not sure if Lexi felt the same way.
Some of Mack's Favorite Things

Mack loves playing toys in the chair we barrowed from Braiden and Brittany.

He loves that he is finally getting to try some real food and grabs at anything he thinks might be eadible.

He loves surfing the web with dad, but gets frustrated when he can't push the buttons.

Mack loved hanging out with Granny Jan. She was one of the summer citizens that lived in our building. We miss all of Mack's "grandparents".


A while back Gavin's parents took us to a baseball game. It was great fun.

Talmage and Grandpa

Mack enjoying his first ball game with dad. He even wore his baseball outfit.

Grandma and Elle

Talmage shared his baseball cap with Mack. I thought it was pretty fun.


Andersen said...

what a fun summer. I hope you are getting ready for school to start again. I am kinda sad it is coming to an end. I wish we could of done more.

Ryan and Maria said...

Good times in your house! Mack is getting so big. I love his chubbiness, and am totally jealous of it! My babies end up long and lean. Can't wait to see you all in several weeks!!! Big hugs to you from us!